
Botanical sexism, queer skeptics, and multi-use washroom

Botanical sexism, queer skeptics, and multi-use washroom

  • Botanical sexism cultivates home-grown allergies – “In order to put the brakes on America’s allergy epidemic, we need to reverse the trend toward male-dominated landscapes and stop selling and planting any more of the most allergenic trees, shrubs and grasses in our cities.”
  • Meet the Queer Skeptics who hate astrology – “So how does it feel to navigate a community in which, Kit observes, astrology appears “completely hegemonic”? Many mention a sense of exclusion, or judgment from others that they “aren’t queer enough.””
  • Is this the answer to the bathroom problem? – “Called an all-gender, multiuser restroom or universal washroom, the design does not include urinals, but private toilet rooms that are accessible from a shared sink space.”



Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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One Comment

  1. I noticed the astrology and woo stuff on some otherwise great podcasts a couple of years ago and did wonder about and have concerns about the same things brought up in that article! Its great to see skeptics speaking up but its sadly true that most people do have some supernatural beliefs and if traditional spiritual disciplines have no space for you then it makes sense to go to the ones that do I guess.
    Skeptics just seem few and far between no matter what community you are in unfortunately.

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