Quickies: Science of gender, the origin of “snowflake,” and staying safe online
- The science of gender: No men aren’t from Mars and women aren’t from Venus – “”What on first inspection seemed like a sex difference,” Fine writes, “was actually a difference between white males and everyone else.”” On Cordelia Fine’s newest book!
- “Snowflake” as a slang term did not begin with Fight Club – “Palahniuk was hardly the first person to use the metaphor. It’s the stuff of self-help books and inspirational posters and elementary school assurances.”
- Speak up and stay safe(r) – “This guide is for anyone who fears they might be targeted, or who is already under attack, for speaking their mind online, but is especially designed for women, people of color, trans and genderqueer people, and everyone else whose existing oppressions are made worse by digital violence.”
- How the Women’s March’s “genital-based” feminism isolated the transgender community – “”I believe there’s a lot of inequality that has to do with genitals — that’s not something you can separate from the feminist movement,” Lejeck said. “But I feel like I’ve tried to get involved in feminism and there’s always been a blockade there for trans women.””
- Cute Animal Friday, which feels really necessary after this week. Adorable baby capybaras and their teeny feets. And I couldn’t pick just one photo from this instagram of the life of seven incredibly cute bunnies.