It’s the Skepchick Sundaylies! Slicing Through Fake News, Fighting for Truth in the Age of Trump, Toys Dressed for Lab Work, and more!
Sunday Funny: The Math Professor’s Lemma. (via SMBC)
Fake News? Take a Razor to It.
Amy’s art reminds us that the simplest explanation for something is often the best explanation.
Astronomy Cast Podcraft and Review
Ryan makes a replica of the golden record on board the Voyager space probes.
Science is Not the Enemy
Important reminder: Despite what some people would like you to believe, science is our friend.
Lawyers, Guns and Money (for Science & Education)
In his final post at SoD, Peter Nonacs encourages universities to use their considerable resources to fight for truth and justice in the Age of Trump.
Canada’s Residential Schools: Abuse, Disease, Colonialism, and… ESP Tests
A year after Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission report, Matthew tells the story of one of the odder incidents that happened at a residential school…when students were tested for psychic powers.
Collective Nouns for Students
Jay puzzles over how to address students collectively.
Scientist Barbie Not Really Dressed for Lab Work
Mary compares how ready different scientists toys are for work in a lab.
5 Reasons Non-Browning Apples Could Change Your Mind About GMOs
Jenny outlines how non-browning apples don’t fit into the GMO stereotype.
In Defense of Yoga Pants and Nihilism
Steph defends the humble yoga pant.
Featured image credit: Eelke via Flickr