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Skepchick Sundaylies! Ice Packs of Doubt, T-Rex of Paradise, the Original Popular Astronomer, and more!

Sunday Funny: Gotta catch’em all. (via PHD Comics)

Teen Skepchick

Ice Packs of Doubt and Uncertainty
Elizabeth tries to figure out if she should ice her knee injury.

Mad Art Lab

Mad Art Cast #71: Pretzels in the Hortus Deliciarum
After some time apart the Gang is back together to talk about ancient encyclopedias, perspective, and things that may or may not be drawings of pretzels.

Before There was Sagan: How Helen Sawyer Hogg Brought Astronomy to the People
Dale tells the story of the original popular astronomer.

T-Rex of Paradise
Celia imagines a T-Rex with brilliant plumage.

Featured image credit: Drew Coffman via Flickr


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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One Comment

  1. Ice-packs….hmmm.

    Non controversial but awkward:
    Short term reduction/prevention of swelling and inflammation.
    Mid term circulation reduction.

    How to even design a controlled study to balance the two, or make an effective policy around either?

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