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Michael Moore’s TrumpLand, Art or Opportunity to Cash In?

Being part of an entertainment industry family, I can’t help but assume that Trump is going to release his own “reality” television version of the elections, win or lose, tears or no tears, dumpster fire, self-immolation or wash. So I kinda love that someone is attempting to beat him to the punch. However, that someone is Michael Moore, who in my opinion is well, a little bit too much about Michael Moore. Which makes me wonder if this surprise documentary called TrumpLand being officially released by Moore on the 19th of October is just opportunism to cash in or a genuine piece of documentation.

One thing is for sure, I’m curious enough to want to see it.

More on Moore and TrumpLand can be read on this Guardian post making the rounds by clicking here.

So what do you think of this latest reveal in the surrealist nightmare I call the Trumpster Fire? Is Moore good intentioned? Will this be a documentary about Trump or Michael Moore? Does it matter? Do you want to see this film? Does each of our own biases cause us to never make pure art or literature? Does that question even make any sense? Is this a post-modernist play I’m in? Is this election over yet?

Featured art by me.

Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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  1. It’s actually more complicated than a lot of Democrats think of it. If you don’t live on the coasts, Bill Clinton and the DLC really screwed things up for you, and now Obama is “working with Congressional Republicans”, in the same way DLC Dems did, to pass another free trade agreement, which is great for the sweatshop and human trafficking lobbies, but not so much for us. Now, the reason is because they were really far-right, but that’s the problem with the two-party system. (TBH, the only people more narcissistic than Trump are centrist Democrats. They crave GOPproval, which is why they criticize Democrats who refer to the Ku Klux Klan as “deplorable”, even the Democrats they had previously endorsed.)

    Don’t think the centrists are gone, either. Or their racism: Herrnstein and Murray’s “cognitive elite” is now Richard Florida’s “creative class”.

    But for a good number of them, they’re just racists. (How much Nazi iconography have we seen this election?)

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