
Quickies: The Killing Joke Movie Disaster, the Pressure of Creating Perfect Bento Boxes, and Donald Trump’s Racist Dad

  •  The Killing Joke Movie Is a Disaster, Right Down to Its Comic-Con Panel – “It was during the Q&A that things got dicey. A Joker cosplayer asked the writers why they would downplay Barbara Gordon, such a strong female character, and make her story more about the men in her life. According to Bleeding Cool reporter Jeremy Konrad, the writers insisted she was still a strong female character. Konrad, who’d already seen the film and didn’t agree, himself sarcastically shouted, ‘Yeah, by using sex and then pining for Bruce.’ ” From Alex.
  • For Japanese Parents, Gorgeous Bento Lunches Are Packed With High Stakes – “The moms in Maruo’s class say they don’t do it every day, but on mornings they make kyaraben, they block out as much as 90 minutes to make lunch. And not every Japanese parent wants to do this — but the cultural pressure is high, because it’s hard to be the parent whose kid has a [boring] lunch.”
  • Donald Trump’s dad was Woody Guthrie’s racist landlord – “Since Guthrie’s whole deal was championing the disadvantaged and disenfranchised, strumming protest songs on a guitar bearing a “This Machine Kills Fascists” sticker, it is not surprising that he and the Trump family would not get along. But what is surprising is that Trump’s father actually merited mention in Guthrie’s notebooks.”
  • Everything I Learned About Women at the Republican National Convention – “Throughout the Republican Nation Convention, conservative women, who are, more often than not, wealthy and white, positioned themselves as seers and as outsiders. After all, they are uniquely positioned to wade through the bullshit and propaganda truth, in a community dependent on domestic authority and in which common sense is found at the kitchen table.”
  • Why Twitter Lost Its Mind Over These ‘Hispanic Para Trump’ Signs – “The Republican National Convention came to a close Thursday night with a speech by GOP nominee Donald Trump, but some people on Twitter were more preoccupied with the poorly translated ‘Hispanics Para Trump’ signs some people in the crowd were holding up. As The Hill first pointed out, the translation on the signs is not only incomplete but completely incorrect.”

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Mary Brock works as an Immunology scientist by day and takes care of a pink-loving princess child by night. She likes cloudy days, crafting, cooking, and Fall weather in New England.

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