Quickies: Uncovering the roots of depression, Zika, and how clergy set the standard for abortion care
- Big data sleuths uncover clues to the roots of depression – “The daunting complexity of neurological disorders has begun to yield to methods that allow intensive scrutiny of genes and neural circuits.” From Amy.
- Telling women to avoid pregnancy is not a solution for HIV and the Zika virus – “Lack of access to contraception and safe abortion is a global crisis marked by a tension between ideology and evidence. In Latin America, the impact of the Zika virus means ideology holds sway: women are advised to “avoid pregnancy”, but there has been no corresponding provision of easy access to affordable and acceptable modern contraception and no repealing of laws that criminalise abortion.” From Pteryxx.
- Please don’t make death threats because a video game got delayed – From Alex.
- How clergy set the standard for abortion care – “Fifty years ago, a network of religious leaders helped thousands of women find safe, comfortable ways of having the procedure.”