Quickies: Raw milk, Nancy Reagan, and video game culture

  • Author says “Welfare dependency can be bred out” – “Academic peers are less convinced. Essie Viding, professor of developmental psychopathology at University College London, for example, argues that Perkins fails to show causal links for his assertions, and says his proposals are more likely to harm, than help, children.”
  • Lawmakers chug raw milk to celebrate legalizing raw milk, are mysteriously overcome with stomach illness – From Courtney.
  • Nancy Reagan’s anti-feminism might be her most lasting legacy – “Nancy Reagan was the perfect symbol of what the religious right thought women should be: Dutiful housewives who only try to influence the world through their husbands and never for themselves. Considering that the last Republican president, Gerald Ford, had a surprisingly feminist wife who supported the Equal Rights Amendment, Reagan had to have felt like a lifeline for religious conservatives at the time.”
  • The ugly new front in the neverending video game culture war – “If you’ve witnessed this kind of “Chanterculture”/GamerGate drama before, you know the playbook: discredit, harass, shame, isolate, maybe find a skeleton in a person’s closet that calls their reputation into question. Today’s most visible target is a woman named Alison Rapp, a mid-level marketing person at Nintendo who has been accused of somehow being a driving force behind the supposed censorship of that company’s games.”


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Amanda,

    “Lawmakers chug raw milk to celebrate legalizing raw milk, are mysteriously overcome with stomach illness”

    Not surprised. Everyone should seriously take any “raw food” are healthier claims with a grain of salt, unless backed up by scientific evidence.

  2. How long has she been at Nintendo? I mean, like, censorship at Nintendo isn’t as bad as it was in the days BC (Before Conker). Back when Sega came on the scene, you looked for games like Monster Party and River City Ransom just to prove there were some less-than-kid-friendly NES games out there.

    (And yes, Joe Lieberman turned Congress into a Sega commercial that one time.)

    Dammit, Idaho! Maybe, just maybe, God sends cures to you in the form of medical research. Did that ever occur to you?

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