Quickies: Crime, inappropriate literary men, and the Hugos
- Time to drop the distinct crime of sexual assault – “It is the shame and social disapproval attached to the sexual part of a “sexual” assault that might pressure a victim to tell a needless lie on the stand, a lie that has nothing to do with whether or not an assault was committed. A witness’s credibility can nevertheless be hopelessly compromised in this way and a conviction for an assault that actually took place becomes unsafe.” From Cerberus40.
- Is this the end of the era of the important, inappropriate literary man? – “The truth, for a long time, was that no one wanted to listen to rape accusations. That still holds in many contexts, but the media—starting with social media—is listening up.” From Mary.
- If you were a Hugo awards controversy, my love – Yup, Vox Day’s at it again. *sigh* From Alex.
- Calling bull on service trips – On voluntourism and doing your homework.