
Quickies: Harassment, possible meteorite death, and undiscovered species

  • Harassment isn’t just about individuals, it’s about communities – “Someone we know as a “good person” is absolutely capable of harassing others. It does not mean you’re a terrible person for not having seen it or known it happened. But it does no one any favors – not victims, not harassers, not their friends and communities – to ignore or explain away someone else’s problematic, hurtful, and harmful behavior.”
  • Man killed by space debris, possibly first meteorite death in human history – “In what feels like a sudden, tragic imitation of an opening to a disaster movie, the unluckiest man in India was struck and killed by what might very well be a meteorite.”
  • Bernie Sanders tells Berniebros to knock it off – “He told CNN on Sunday that the so-called “Berniebro” phenomenon is “disgusting” and that “anybody who is supporting me that is doing the sexist things — we don’t want them.”” From Courtney.
  • Natural history museums are teeming with undiscovered species – “…biologists in the field often lack the time or expertise to go over everything they grab. They collect first and ask questions later. Vast hoards of specimens end up in natural history museums, overwhelming the dwindling population of taxonomists who could potentially classify them. According to one study, the average specimen languishes for 21 years before it’s formally described; one poor neglected pit viper waited for 206 years.”


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. I wonder, did Obama tell the Obama boys to knock it off?

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

    And oh yeah, the use of “boy” to describe Obama supporters wasn’t racist at all.

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