
Hillary Clinton Projected to Win South Carolina

Media outlets are projecting a huge win for Hillary Clinton in today’s South Carolina Democratic Primary, mere moments after the polls closed. As of writing, 87.5% of votes went to Clinton:

Screen Shot 2016-02-27 at 6.17.39 PM
Source: Google
Polls predicted a Clinton win weeks in advance, but there were a couple surprising statistics to come out of the primary. First, a landmark 61% of SC Primary voters were black this year (beating the previous record, 55%, from 2008), according to exit polls. Nine in ten black voters also stated they trust Hillary on race relations, while only half of black voters felt the same about Sanders.

Source: ABC News
Source: ABC News
This is a big win for Clinton, who has been looking to stop Sanders’ momentum coming out of New Hampshire. The landslidewin will put many of South Carolina’s 53 delegates under Clinton’s belt. As we move into Super Tuesday, the delegate count (including superdelegates) sits at 505 for Clinton, and 71 for Sanders:

Source: Google
Source: Google


Courtney Caldwell

Courtney Caldwell is an intersectional feminist. Her talents include sweary rants, and clogging your social media with pictures of her dogs (and occasionally her begrudging cat). She's also a political nerd, whose far-left tendencies are a little out of place in the deep red Texas.

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  1. Um, Hillary’s surely going to have a pretty big win in South Carolina, but you posted this with 1% of the vote in. Hillary’s percentage, and her delegate count, is dropping as more precincts report in. You kind of jumped the gun.

  2. I don’t get it. I mean, I can forgive her for campaigning for Barry Goldwater as a teenager, we all do stupid things, but listing Goldwater as one of her chief influences in 1996? Seriously? And I’m pretty sure “superpredators” came from the Pioneer Fund.

  3. I won’t be unhappy if she wins, exactly, unless it’s a stolen primary with all this undemocratic Superdelegate crap, but I’d much rather the more severe liberal and progressive Sanders.

    Still, either one are better than the Republican monsters.

    1. To be fair, your typical centrist Democrat is a straight Republican voter who’s only registered as a Democrat to have the voice (not a voice, but the voice) in our primary.

  4. Let’s not count superdelegates among a candidate’s delegates. The superdelegates will support whoever wins the most elected delegates. They’re just throwing their weight around now trying to make Clinton seem inevitable.

    1. There’s a lot of weirdness going around. I still find John Lewis’ “I remember the Clintons” comment weird. Bill was supporting Fulbright back then, and Hill was supporting Goldwater (and a teenager). Not to mention his autobiography has him first meeting the Clintons in 1991.

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