Quickies: Mormon feminists, Star Wars and women, and women on company boards
- “In good conscience”: Mormon feminists on the brink – “Enough time passed that feminism within the church moved from dangerous to merely controversial. Over the last decade, the feminist Mormon movement has grown larger and made itself visible through organized acts of protest.”
- The internet got a Star Wars character turned into a woman – “You know how those internet feminists are, pointlessly complaining about the lack of representation and trying to ruin a perfectly good patriarchy. And what’s worse, according to Vulture this always completely ineffectual whining led to new character Captain Phasma being gender swapped.” From Courtney.
- Star Wars non-Leia female character dialogue supercut – Guess how long it is, just guess. From Geo.
- Companies with women on their board do better – and not just because they know shampoo – “Despite mounting evidence that companies have much to gain by expending extra effort to diversify their boards, the message has been slow to sink in. Last year, Fortune reported that in the past decade, the proportion of female board directors of Fortune 500 companies inched up a mere 3.3 percent.”
The weirdest thing about this article is that I don’t see a Mormon ad on this page…
Speaking of Star Wars,
Which ‘Star Wars’ Droid Would NASA Want to Recruit?