Quickies: Echolocation visualized, saving birds from cats, and what candidates should know
- Scientists have made an image showing what dolphin’s echolocation “looks” like – “…seeing the 3D print of a human being left us all speechless. For the first time ever, we may be holding in our hands a glimpse into what cetaceans see with sound. Nearly every experiment is bringing us more images with more detail.”
- How to stop a bird-murdering cat – Put a colorful, ruffly collar on it!
- What presidential candidates should know about science – “Unfortunately, not all anti-science weirdness is innocuous. The few percent of the population that thinks vaccines cause autism threatens the health of not just their kids, but every kid. Those who refuse to give credit to our species for causing major climate change do the same.” From criticaldragon1177.
- Photoshopping women into comic-book superhero poses – Sticking out your butt and your boobs at the same time is REALLY hard.
- Cute Animal Friday! This tiny mouthy kitten loves being fed like a baby.
If it weren’t for the fact that some men find those unrealistic positions sexy, I would say that this seems to show that a lot of comic book artists need to take another art class.