
Quickies: Books no woman should read, the y-axis, and another pharma price hike


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Amanda,

    VOX has made some great videos, and that one on the Y Axis is another one. I can’t believe that some people are so fussy about a chart not having zero on its Y Axis.

    1. No logarithmic chart has a zero on the Y axis (for all values of zero not equal to one.)

  2. Superstitions can be rational if 1) harmless, 2) lower your anxiety, 3) prevent you from listening to forecasts by economists & BS “experts”

    Rich irony coming from a know-nothing BS “expert”.

    Rich indeed.

    1. Mrmisconception,

      I know, and its doubtful that Nassim N. Taleb has any idea just how ironic it is that he would say something like that.

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