Quickies: Badass women scientists, atheist leaders, and demonic males
- More atheist leaders that aren’t Dawkins or Harris: Amy Davis Roth – Amy is the most recent in Greta Christina’s series on atheist leaders.
- Meet 12 badass scientists who happen to be women – “This week, a cab driver asked me, ‘What do men say when you tell them you’re a scientist? Because you don’t look like a scientist,’” marine biologist Kristen Marhaver says. “In this picture, I see a twinkle in each of our eyes, saying, ‘No, that’s the thing, sir. I do look like a scientist.’”
- Jon Ronson gets serious about Ashley Madison and Twitter-shaming – “I felt very strongly about the Ashley Madison thing. Of the 39 million people who signed up for Ashley Madison, only a tiny percentage of them actually had an affair. And I’d go a step further and say even if they did, it’s none of our business, frankly.” From Donna.
- Demonic males – On young white men committing mass shootings.
Um ‘…young white men committing mass shootings.’
Note that in the graphic for that article, 3 out of five mass shooters are NOT white. I still remember the ‘white killer’ claim being poured out over Eliott Roger, before the fact that his misogyny was aggravated by his self-perceived status as a short, mixed-race, man was reported.
I realize that I don’t actually know if anyone has been able to parse the ethnic data on our plague of rage-spree-gun killings.
The fantasy of the armed avenger seems to permeate our culture, ALL of our culture.