
Quickies: The Perseids, pupil shapes, and fertility

  • Why the 2015 Perseid meteor shower is going to be especially awesome – “This year the meteor watching should be especially good because the shower peaks between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, coinciding with the new moon.”
  • Eye shapes of the animal world hint at differences in our lifestyles – “Take a close look at a house cat’s eyes and you’ll see pupils that look like vertical slits. But a tiger has round pupils — like humans do. And the eyes of other animals, like goats and horses, have slits that are horizontal.” From mrmisconception.
  • On fertility – “When you give birth, you do it with others. When you miscarry, you do it alone. Even if doctors and nurses are present, numbing you, holding your hand, giving gentle instructions, they’re not with you, because what’s happening is both too awful, and too common, to be shared.”
  • Can these panties disrupt the $15 billion feminine hygiene market? – “In the Western world, squeamishness around menstruation means the average woman spends thousands over her lifetime on tampons with landfill-packing plastic applicators…and pads that any women will tell you are uncomfortable and unreliable. Both tend to leak. In much of the developing world, extreme taboo around women and girls’ monthly bleed mean they fall behind at school or are limited in their ability to work at paying jobs.”
  • Featured image


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. A menstrual cup is way cheaper than the panties, though only viable for those who have access to soap and clean water. At $200 per set, the menstrual panties don’t sound that viable either.

    1. The article addressed the price issue, though. According to the company, a set will cover all a woman’s menstrual hygiene needs for two years, during which time a typical woman would spend $240 on pads or tampons. So it’s a net savings. Of course, a higher up-front price tag means poorer women are less likely to be able to make the investment. Also, note that these panties aren’t being marketed to the developing world, but rather a portion of the profits is being reinvested in local manufacture of feminine hygiene products in developing countries.

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