Quickies: Anne Nicol Gaylor passes, talking to gamer girls, and reducing virus spreading on planes

  • Freedom From Religion founder Anne Nicol Gaylor dies – “Anne and her daughter, Annie Laurie, then a college student, formed FFRF in 1976, with an elderly Milwaukee friend, Jon Sontarck, also lending his name. After a series of impressive successes, Anne was asked to go national with FFRF in 1978 and served as its president until November 2004.”
  • Q&A: Talking to a gamer girl – “You may find a girl gamer attractive, but don’t talk to her just because you want access to her vagina. Talk to her because you’re interested in her ideas and stuff. we know when your penis is doing the talking.”
  • The fear factor – “A clueless male learns how scary “compliments” can be to women runners.”
  • Science fair winner designs device to cut virus spread on planes – “All jetliners these days have air filters (called HEPA) that remove more than 99.97 of particles in the air, including bacteria and viruses. That reduces the spread of diseases in a cabin immensely. But what if the air has a hard time reaching the filter?”


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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One Comment

  1. FYI-Although unintentional (I think), using “passes” in the headline in reference to Gaylor is pretty ironic… ;-)

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