Quickies: The religious right rewriting history, Dad bod, and Mara Wilson on mental illness


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. I love when state senates stand up and scream “we aren’t yet backward enough, what can we do to fix that?”

    It’s entertaining…

    like a car wreck. /s

    1. Number of times the United States is mentioned in the Bible: 0. That’s…actually less than the number of times Iran is mentioned. (The entirety of the Book of Esther, for instance.)

  2. LOL, mrmisconception! This is typical conservative “logic.” Lack of bias=liberal bias. And they live in such a hermetically sealed bubble of Fundamentalist and far-right thinking that that they truly believe this, too.

    Every time I think Republicans can’t go any further to the right, they somehow manage to find a way. I think if they crowd any further toward the edge, the party will condense into a black hole. We can only hope that the rest of the US doesn’t get sucked into it after the 2016 presidential election.

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