Quickies: The religious right rewriting history, Dad bod, and Mara Wilson on mental illness
- To religious right groups, the US is God’s favorite nation and has never done anything wrong – “The campaign to teach “intelligent design” in addition to evolutionary theory has long been a staple fight for Religious Right activists. Now, they’re increasingly expanding that campaign to include the study of U.S. history.” From Criticaldragon1177.
- The viral “dad bod” phenomenon is male privilege masquerading as empowerment – With some great tweets by Lindy West. From Mary.
- Mara Wilson discusses mental illness – On Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls site.
- These Korean women dive deep underwater without any breathing equipment – “In the past 30 years, the number of haenyeo has fallen drastically. The majority of the women Kim met were over the age of 60, and he was told that there are only seven haenyeo in their 30s, only two of which he was able to meet.” From Donna.
- Cute Animal Friday! From Mary, some puppies trying to herd ducklings.
I love when state senates stand up and scream “we aren’t yet backward enough, what can we do to fix that?”
It’s entertaining…
like a car wreck. /s
A car wreck that only hurts children.
Number of times the United States is mentioned in the Bible: 0. That’s…actually less than the number of times Iran is mentioned. (The entirety of the Book of Esther, for instance.)
LOL, mrmisconception! This is typical conservative “logic.” Lack of bias=liberal bias. And they live in such a hermetically sealed bubble of Fundamentalist and far-right thinking that that they truly believe this, too.
Every time I think Republicans can’t go any further to the right, they somehow manage to find a way. I think if they crowd any further toward the edge, the party will condense into a black hole. We can only hope that the rest of the US doesn’t get sucked into it after the 2016 presidential election.