Quickies: Gender Binary and Colors, the Mysteries of the Universe, and Petting Parties
- Lovely Illustrations From The Story Of A Black Boy Who Dreams Of Going To Mars – This project still needs to be funded on Kickstarter so consider checking it out!
- Who Decides Where Autistic Adults Live? – “For many intellectually disabled people, large campuses or farmsteads may be better options than small group homes. But new state laws could make it hard for big facilities to survive.”
- Amy Schumer, Bill Nye and Broad City explain the mysteries of the universe – “Turns out the universe is actually ‘a giant dream board on which women pin their wishes’.”
- The Fractal Nature of the Gender Binary: Or Blue vs. Turquoise – What is the difference between “boy blue” and “girl blue”?
- When ‘Petting Parties’ Scandalized The Nation – “Petting parties grew so popular they became targets of societal safeguardians who believed the make-out mania was tearing apart the social fabric.” Ha, I remember being so confused when I heard about “petting” in my 1990’s-era (abstinance-only) sex ed class.
- Equality in Marriage May Not Bring Equality in Adoption – “For gay couples, winning the battle for legal rights would be just the first step toward securing full recognition for their families.”
BONUS: If you’re a college or high school student, you might want to check out this Atheist Alliance scholarship opportunity!
I know *I* would be mortified if some dame* called me a “flat tire”.
Oooh, that stings.
* – or would she be a “doll”. Not sure about this.
You might enjoy this: http://mentalfloss.com/article/12266/19-old-timey-slang-terms-bolster-your-vocabulary
We now call them ladies. Apparently so they’ll outrank dames or something.