It’s the Sundaylies! #SciArt, How Same Sex Marriage is Literally Destroying Everything, and What is Critical Thinking?
Sunday Funny: Placebo Blockers (via xkcd)
#SciArt Project for May: The Flame Test
Amy’s SciArt project for the month of May is about the process in chemistry known as the “Flame Test”. Her science advisor was our very own, Dr Ray Burks! Check out what she created.
Mad Art Cast: Social Media and the Creative with bonus Interview with Chemist, Ray Burks
Mad Art Cast has a new episode out! Listen in as the gang discusses the role of social media and the creative.
Recipes By Scientists: #WTWTCH No Bake Oatmeal Chews
Now you, too, can make Dr. Ray Burks oatmeal chews!
10 Ways Same Sex Marriage is Literally Destroying Society
Olive lays out the arguments for how marriage equality is ruining society.
Mad Max: Fury Road – A Wile Ride of Empowerment
Laura reviews the new movie Mad Max.
Put your Sins on the Page
K.C.’s newest installment of the biweekly column The B.
A Meditation on Ratio
J.D. Fisher helps us think about what we think about ratios.
Critical Thinking for Parrots
Educators often repeat the phrase “critical thinking”—but do they really know what it is and how to impart it?
Featured image credit: Laszlo Nagy HU via Flickr