Happy Eater Day! It’s the Sundaylies with Mars Rocks, Trans Visibility, Demolition Derby, Vaccination in California and Skeptability is BACK!
HEYYYYYYO…..It’s me, Surly Amy filling in for Mindy!
I have been the understudy for the Sundaylies FOR SO LONG. Quietly waiting in the wings, practicing my lines, perfecting my pirouettes. I feel like this is finally my chance to SHINE! And shine I shall because not only is today Sunday, it’s the best SUN day of the year! It’s Eater Sunday! The day when children and adults hide chocolate eggs EVERYWHERE and you get to find them and eat them- no matter where they are! Such a fun-gooey-chocolately time. The winner of Eater Day (whoever eats the most chocolate eggs of course) gets to wear the coveted Bunny Ear Hat! I love Eater Day so much I even baked a cake. Celebrate my friends, for life is short. You never know if THIS Eater day, is your last.
Oh hey it’s also the Sunday funny time! Did you see my text? Did you get my email? Have you seen Treelobsters lately? They live in trees and are excellent: Have a look but don’t get pinched!
Now on to your regularly scheduled Sunday Skepchick Network Recap!
A Tiny Bit of Mars You Can Hold in Your Hand Check out what I did with some actual bits of Mars rock. Spoiler: It totally rocks.
Landscape Painting: Fancy Hats Optional! Celia teaches us a thing or two about landscape painting!
Little White Lies. Check out this new biweekly column caked the B!
April Fools and Coming out. So you came out on April Fools day?
Trans Visibility Means Never Assuming Cisgender Status Benny talks about the importance of being visible and that you never really can know someone’s history.
Being Mean to and Judgy About the Poor: Nutrition Edition True or false? Performing acts of volunteerism is license to decide what is best for the recipients of one’s generosity.
Fairness Jay is concerned that keeping a closer eye on students with a pattern of misbehaviour might be unfair in the long term.
Are English-only PhDs in the Sciences a Problem? Dan thinks it’s probably fine that foreign-language requirements for STEM PhDs have largely been eliminated.
California Wants to Make it Harder to Not Vaccinate. Here’s Why You Should Help. As Erich says, “California is currently debating a law to remove the personal/religious belief exemption from their vaccination requirements to attend public school with State Bill 277. As you’d imagine this has caused a dramatic reaction from anti-vaccination groups.”
Internet Meme Demolition Derby: Learn the Meaning of Respect! Would you respect someone who used physical violence in response to you talking back? Then why do we expect this of children? Lou takes on another annoying meme.
House Rules – to Love, Honor, and Disobey Steph does not expect her kids to be obedient but rather to be kind towards others and empathetic. She lists her house rules, which are not only for children, but also good reminders as adults for how to treat others.
After a brief hiatus Skeptability is back with a new fearless leader, our beloved Benny from Queereka fame! Hooray. Here are the first posts!
Skeptability is back and looking for writers! Join the team!
Why Many Autistics Dislike Autism Speaks An email sent in at Skepchick sparked this interesting post about Autism Speaks and alternate viewpoints on autism.
That’s all for now, friends! Go find those chocolate treats and may force and the bunny ears be with you.