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Skepchick Sundaylies! Dolce and Gabbana vs Elton John, DNA Painting, Teaching, Quack of the Month, Meghan Trainer, ChiFi Photos AND Bonus Surly Amy Talk Show Video

Mindy can’t come to the Sundaylies today because she is in the middle of a bare knuckle boxing fight with a chap who dared to say that the X-Files shouldn’t come back to FOX. The truth is out there.

What this means is… Mwah hahahaha! THIS HERE BLOG, er, I mean this here blog POST IS ALLLLLLLLLL MINE NOW! MWAH HAHAHA!

Since I somehow got to sneak into the back channel and do Mindy’s post I’m gonna add in a bonus video of me on a live talk show yesterday.

It’s called, LA Talk Live and the segment was produced by the Blk Grrrl Show. I am the second guest. I talk about this blog, my art, why Patreon is great for less privileged people who want to produce creative content AND why I still love to learn about science!

My segment starts at around the 30 minute mark.

Hey now! Here are the Sunday Funnies: Check out our pal, Maki Naro’s comic, Sufficiently Remarkable. Because it certainly is.

Now on to your regularly scheduled Sunday Skepchick Network Recap!

Mad Art Lab

Belle Benchley and the Creation of the Modern Zoo (Women in Science 34)  Learn how Modern Zoos came into existence.

This is the Painting That Started My #Patreon Project I explain the painting that started my Science + Art Patreon project.

What A Saxophone Looks Like: A Lesson for Stock Photographers Mad Art Lab’s resident sax player gives us all a lesson on stock photography.


Dolce and Gabbana vs Elton John Laura writes about the recent controversy around comments by fashion design duo Dolce and Gabbana.

Why Queering Gender Onstage Still Matters Juliet writes about the importance of queering gender in stage performances.

Are Atheists The Most Hated Group in America? Well… Trav writes about Dave Silverman’s recent claim on CNN that atheists are the most hated group in America.

School of Doubt

Sophisticated Educators, Please Stand Up
When faced with new trends and theories in education that present themselves as dichotomies (e.g. student-centred vs. teacher-centred classrooms), J.D. Fisher thinks it’s important that we approach them critically rather than embrace them blindly.

Those who can teach, those who can’t teach in college Giliell finds it frustrating that most university-level teachers have no formal training in actually teaching.


Quack of the Month: Mars one
Silvia takes a look at the latest news from the project to make a reality show on Mars

Grounded Parents

Should a 13-Year-Old have to Dismiss Sexism to be “Classy?” Mo’ne Davis has been in the news recently for accepting the apology of a grown-ass man who called her a slut. Emily criticizes the notion that women are expected to accept apologies from misogynists in order to be “classy.”

Dear Future Partner Steph rewrites Meghan Trainor’s latest hit “Dear Future Husband” to make it less stereotypical and heteronormative.

Skepchick Network Assemble!!! Chi-Fi 2015 Check out Lou’s photo series of the Grounded Parents and Skepchicks at Chi-Fi!

*featured image by Lou.



Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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