Quickies: The woman behind Marvel’s heroines, Sarkeesian’s “What I couldn’t say,” and millenial’s racism
- The woman behind Marvel’s newest team of heroines – “I think now more than ever, the voices of women in comics are really coming to the fore.” From mrmisconception.
- Anita Sarkeesian describes the fury she cannot express in public – “Sarkeesian lists the ways online harassment has stopped her from expressing her emotions to the public and how deep down she is furious that such harassment is tolerated in social media.”
- Millenials are more racist then they think – “In 2010, a Pew Research report trumpeted that “the younger generation is more racially tolerant than their elders.” In the Chicago Tribune, Ted Gregory seized on this to declare millennials “the most tolerant generation in history.” These types of arguments typically cling to the fact that young people are more likely than their elders to favor interracial marriage.” From Mary.
- It’s 2050 and feminism has finally won – “It’s 2050 and feminism has finally won. Women make up more than 80% of serial killers and serial killer-related entertainment shows.”