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Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. That Slate article seemed pretty paternalistic in and of itself. Ironic given it was written by a woman who was trying so hard to explain why mothers might feel the way they do. It was a bit too scatter-shot in its execution to accomplish what I think the author intended (including a brief sidetrack to blame this all on feminism?).

    We live in a society that constantly tells women that they are the ones that are good at parenting, that they are the ones who are responsible for parenting, and that if anything goes wrong with parenting that it is their responsibility and that they are therefore bad mothers. At the same time we tell them that science is not for them, that they have a maternal instinct and that because of that instinct they should follow their heart when making decisions, and that if somebody tries to explain how they might be wrong it comes down to mansplaining or authoritative meddling.

    At the same time we tell men that they are horrible with children, that they should defer to the mother at all times, and that actually caring about your child beyond keeping them un-run-over makes them less of a man. The fact that men are often hands-off with their children is on society almost as much as it is on the aloof fathers.

    We have set women up to fail at making the right decisions when it comes to their children’s health care (and made men feel unwanted in any parenting decisions), can we really be surprised that some actually do? In fact, I’m amazed that the problem isn’t bigger then it is.

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