Skepchick Sundaylies: Rape Culture, Trans* Tales, Ovulation, Tenure, and the Patriarchy of Surnames
Sunday Funny: Astronaut Vandalism (via xkcd)
The Physics Philes, lesson 99: I Have a Need. A Need for Wave Speed!
Mindy learns one way to calculate wave speed.
On the Nonexistence of Anything Creepy: Network Edition
Elizabeth finds evidence of rape culture where you least expect it.
A Series of Black and White Portraits from Women In Secularism
Amy finally took her camera to Women in Secularism and here are the stunning results.
Let Trans Artists Tell Trans Tales
A guest post on the importance of trans* representation in the media.
Friday Food Lab: Artichokes are Flowers
Amy teaches us how to cook artichokes.
Raising Crows: Am I Ovulating? (en español)
Elara explains how the females of the species shows she’s ovulating.
Street Harassment (en español)
Lulú tells us about street harassment in Chile.
Pop Quiz: Simple Elegant Solutions
Jennifer solves a simple problem after only fifteen years! What problems have you suffered for years, only to find they were an easy fix?
Tenure and the Culture of Silence
In the wake of Pamela Gay’s recent revelation, Dan explores the role of the tenure system in silencing her for the last five years.
Pop Quiz: Academic Entitlement
Apostrophobia wonders when students started feeling entitled to good grades just for fulfilling their classes’ basic requirements.
M.I.A. Does It Again and #Yesallwomen
Kavin reviews MIA’s latest video for Double Bubble Trouble and relates it to the #yesallwomen campaign.
Fed Up And The Change That’s Not Coming
Jenny takes on “Fed Up” and nutritional fascism.
The Embedded Patriarchy of Surnames
Mombot discusses her feelings behind how she and her partner chose surnames for their child and also talks about alternative naming strategies.
Featured image credit: janeyhanning via Flickr