Quickies: Bees, bras, and confidence
- What would happen if bees went extinct? – From Donnie.
- Bras For Belize – Help the women of Belize have access to good quality undergarments. Donations of gently-used bras are also welcome! From Will.
- Read Amy Schumer’s powerful speech on confidence – From Courtney.
- The adventures of “not all men” – Such shenanigans!
I almost have that “not all men” piece a standing ovation at my desk it was so awesome.
Erm, “I almost GAVE”
One of my favorite meme cartoons right now is “Not All Man”, a superhero who shows up just to remind you that Not All Men Are Like That™. Oh, he won’t help you in any way, but it’s important to know that Not All Men Are Like That™.
Amy Schumer’s speech was great, love her. But I’m wondering, is there a reason that Gabourey Sidibe’s speech from the same event (and even linked to in the Schumer article) wasn’t also highlighted? I thought it was equally awesome.
“Not all men”.
The only time I ever hear women make generalizations about men is in the midst of a break up. “Men are such cheaters!” or “You can’t trust men!” Every other “generalization” that I’ve heard in actual life is preceded by some qualifier (“some men” or “the guys I date …”)
And I think, “Well, that’s like the fourth guy who dumped her or cheated on her. She’s feeling terrible. Now is probably not a good time to shift the conversation over to me and how I don’t cheat.” In those cases, I can usually suppress my “Not all Men!” instinct without difficulty. That’s just good sense and courtesy.
On the other hand, when Ragu makes commercials about how men can’t cook or perform as parents in the absence of a woman, the dormant “Not all Men!” volcano in me suddenly erupts.
(Although, my vocal chords often render it as “Fuck off! You’re part of the problem.”)
That was an excellent video on Honey bees. By the way, speaking of bees, this could potentially be our future if we don’t prevent this mass extinction.
Greenpeace Envisions A Nightmarish Future Populated By Robotic Bees