FRANCE (From Mary)
Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of France’s far-right Front National, has suggested the deadly virus Ebola could solve the global “population explosion” and by extension Europe’s “immigration problem”. For more on racists and the European Parliament elections, check out this article.
Hundreds of male students across 27 schools in the city of Nantes turned up to school in skirts to protest sexism. The boys were taking part in the “Lift the Skirt” campaign, which was thought up by the students and backed by the education ministry.
NEPAL (From Robert)
Triple amputee overcomes challenges to become TV host in Nepal. Kamala Shrestha has only been in the presenter’s chair six months but is already proving to be a natural talent.
Police arrested six young men and women who made a Youtube video dancing and lip-synching to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy”. Iran state media called the video “vulgar”. The dancers have been released, but could still face charges. The director of the video might still be in custody.
President Michelle Bachelet took a first step toward legalizing abortion in rape cases, in situations where the fetus is not viable or the pregnancy threatens the woman’s life. Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua are the only Latin American countries that still hold a full ban on all abortions.
The first legally recognized Atheist Organization of the Balkans, Middle East and among all Muslim-majority countries, has been founded in Istanbul, Turkey. Their aim is to advocate against religious prejudice, oppression and fundamentalism, and to promote the basic human and civil right to believe or not believe in a positive, educated and constructive manner.
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Man Jean-Marie Le Pen is sick. Hate mongers like him shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near public office.