This Week in Miracles: Katy Perry, Basketballs, Plants
Here are some of the things that were miracles this week:
This basketball shot that tied the game but team still lost in overtime
This basketball shot that won the game in overtime
This boy whose entire family was killed in a car crash
This baby who was born without any problems after the mother prayed to a Pope
Oooo, I’ma gonna like this if it’s a new regular feature! :)
I hesitate to call anything a regular feature because I am so god damned forgetful, but yes, I will continue doing this until I get bored!
No fuckin’ magnets?
Magnets are ongoing miracles not just this week.
One of us making this joke is going to be a regular feature!
Or at least fuckin’ rainbows.
Darn, my prayer mat, cross and Buddha statue mustn’t be working as I’ve had a crap week. I’ll just give the pray flags another wash.
Cooler Katy Perry news would include that she appears to have edited her video for her song “Dark Horse” to allay the outrage and offense that some Muslims expressed due to a scene in the video. In the scene, a man is standing before a Cleopatra-esque Katy Perry, and she works some magic to have him disintegrate in front of her. The alleged “blasphemy” is that the man is wearing a pendent that has the Arabic script for Allah. The editing out of the image is being greeted with elation by those supporting the petition against it. They say that it is a recognition by people of all walks of life that making frivolous references to God in an impious manner is unacceptable.
Should she have edited her video? Should she have respected the deep, real feelings of hurt and outrage that a significant number of Muslims say they experience because of things like this? Is it “hate speech” in the first place, because it has some likelihood of provoking prejudicial actions against Muslims? A good number of Muslims seem to have gotten very upset about it.