Skepchick Quickies 1.16
- Abortion clinic workers on why the Supreme Court should uphold buffer zones – I walk past the buffer zone and the protesters around it at my local Planned Parenthood all the time. Not being able to form a gauntlet of hate does not impede your free speech.
- No, but in all seriousness… – From Bug Girl! Melting starfish and logical fallacies, how can you resist? You shouldn’t.
- In Virginia, nighties excuse marital rape and anti-choice legislation creates jobs – Virginia, constant source of headdesking rage.
- The employment ratios of women in Hollywood have not improved in 16 years – “Dr. Martha Lauzen‘s yearly analysis of the state of women’s jobs behind the camera in Hollywood goes by the name Celluloid Ceiling Report, and according to the numbers on 2013, opportunities for women who want to make movies from the other side of the lens haven’t improved since roughly the time There’s Something About Mary was hitting theaters.”
The buffer zone at the PP clinic in my home town was hard fought for and hard won, and I was supremely grateful for its strict enforcement. Protestors were required to stay clear of both driveway and sidewalk and to not approach PP property, and they were disallowed from using bullhorns and the like due to noise nuisance laws. It was still bad enough with them lining both sides of the entrance, but at least once one was on PP grounds, one could walk unimpeded and relatively un-harassed through the parking lot and into the building.
The abortion clinic in my new home town has created its own buffer zone via chain link, reinforced concrete posts, and barbed wire. This is what we’re reduced to in order to protect the right to choose. Our clinics have to look like tiny military bases.