Skepchick Quickies 12.23
It’s a few days before Christmas, and a couple of days after the Winter Solstice. If you are still reading this, you may be looking for a way to escape from your family by now. And if so, leave a comment!
- Move Over Halloween, Here Comes Christmas – “‘Tis the season to remind us that men and women are different and one of women’s jobs is to pander to a hypothetical heterosexual male gaze.”
- Is Santa Claus worth the heartbreak? – Santa is a great way to teach kids about skepticism (although I still secretly hate him for eating my cookies).
- Top Scientific Discoveries of 2013 – It’s the end of the year, which means all listicles must converge into one giant list-lord, to rule all other lists.
- It’s a myth: There’s no evidence coffee stunts kids’ growth – An interesting article about questioning “common knowledge.”
- The Welfare Queen – “In the 1970s, Ronald Reagan villainized a Chicago woman for bilking the government. Her other sins—including possible kidnappings and murders—were far worse.” The “welfare queen” is a tired trope, but this piece is worth reading.
BONUS: Cardboard Box Office: a couple recreates scenes from famous movies with cardboard and their baby. From Mindy. (I love the Jurassic Park one!)
I like to think I am not escaping from my family, so much as spending quality time at a distance in the other room…feeling a little guilty…it isn’t like they don’t know where I am right…
The myth about coffee stunting kids growth is interesting. I haven”t thought about it, but I know when I was a kid, I had heard this and took it to be truth.