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New Parenting Blog Launched!

Today the Skepchick Network is proudly unrolling our new skeptical parenting blog, Grounded Parents!

(Intro to the new site x-posted from

Welcome to Grounded Parents, the Skepchick Network’s new skeptical parenting blog!

I’m Elyse Mofo Anders, managing editor and 6 year veteran contributor to our parent site Skepchick, and qualified to be here because somehow someone got the idea that I know what the fuck I’m doing as a parent. I don’t.

But I have a team of parents to work with who do know. They’re all experts on everything. We’ll be covering the usual parenting blog BS, but we’ll do it with all the snark and wit and drunken profanity you’ve come to expect from the Skepchick network. We’ll also be covering the shit they’re too boring to cover on the other parenting sites. We’ve got sex and drugs and mental health and intersectional feminism. We have opinions. And we back them up with motherfucking citations. We’re the bosses of parenting. We’re not your mom’s mommy blog.

I’m really excited to get Grounded Parents up and running. Our team of parents come from a variety of backgrounds, some less traditional than others, some extraordinarily traditional. What we don’t have is a team of white suburban moms with genius kids and whose biggest problem is looking too sexy in yoga pants. Not the entire team anyway. (Well, the entire team does actually look too sexy in yoga pants, but after that we’re all very different.)

We’re looking forward to sharing our stories, advice, heartbreak, frustrations and triumphs with you, and building a community that will raise generations of rational thinkers who are ready to set fire to the status quo.

If you have a question or comment for the blog, if you want to submit a link or a topic idea, please use the contact form. We totally take requests.

So… grab a box of wine and let’s get this blog party started!



Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. I soundly approve of the final line in this introduction, and think it should be included in every post henceforth.

    Also, YAY!

  2. Yay! I haven’t found a good feminist parenting blog since BitchPhD (which was sometimes about parenting) shut down.

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