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ICYMI: December 8 – December 14 on the Skepchick Network

Teen Skepchick

The Physics Philes, lesson 77: Return of Hooke’s Law
Mindy continues her lessons in periodic motion.

Mad Art Lab

Lab Track: Make a Circuit with Me
Ashley highlights a song from the 1970s that makes extensive use of electrical engineering imagery.

A Brief Overview of Last Night’s Twitter Fiasco and Why Blocking is Important
Elizabeth explains why changes to Twitter’s block feature is such a big deal.


Not Without Evidence (en español)
Escéptica joins the #NoSinEvidencia campaign to stop the health authorities from registering homeopathic remedies as medicines.

Not Helping… (en español)
How much should governments legislate new technologies? Would it help or make it worse?

Introduction to Pseudoscience: Feng Shui (en español)
Introducing the ancient art to decorating your home using woo.

Skepchick SE

The Monster In the Dark: On Seasonal Affective Disorder (på svenska)
Homelessclubkid describes a very common affliction in sunlight-starved countries like Sweden, and warns us of ineffectual treatments.


Why I’m Not a Male Sexual Assault Survivor
Benny explains why the label of “male sexual assault survivor” doesn’t apply to him.

Coming Out Doesn’t Solve All Problems
Coming out narratives tend to be either awesome or horrible. In reality, there are many shades of grey.

AI: Pieces of Flair
Tell us about the awesome and not-so-awesome car decorations you’ve seen.

Skepchick Norge

Brain Science and Sex Difference (på norsk)
Veronica covers yet another study that claims to have found large sex differences in the brain.

Subway Dilemma (på norsk)
Julie asks what you would do if you saw someone lose a lot of cash on the subway.

School of Doubt

The President of McGraw-Hill Higher Ed Wants a Complete Transition to eBooks by 2015: Is He a Visionary or Just High?
Digital textbooks may be great, but will everyone be using them in less than two years?

Pop Quiz: How Would You Change the System?
Higher education has some problems. If you ran the world, how would you fix those problems?

Pop Quiz: Separation Anxiety
How do you handle class preparation if you have to be gone for an extended period?

Skepchick Events

CA: Blood Drive and Winter Solstice Party

If you love the winter solstice and barbeque, this party might be the thing for you!

Featured image credit: Selena N.B.H.


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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