
Skepchick Quickies 9.27


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. If we start calling Rockstar’s depiction of men misandry will it go away? I just think of Bonnie McFarlane from Red Dead Redemption and how she wouldn’t have looked out of place in a feminist work. Then you started meeting male characters and every time a man was on the screen it was like “herp derp I’m a racist what doesn’t respect women!” They were horrible caricatures, and after a while it became jarring when someone started talking like a human being.

  2. I once interviewed for a job there, and despite the dog-friendly environs, the classic arcade cabinets, and fun décor, I immediately kinda felt that I wasn’t the type of gamer that belonged there.

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