
Skepchick Quickies 9.13


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Silver lining out of the ‘Titstare’ debacle is it shed light on a tweet by Pax Dickinson, CTO of Business Insider that led to uncovering more of his vile sexist, racist Twitter history leading inevitably to his forced resignation.

    1. And note the well worn ‘only a parody’ excuse. Whenever we catch some teenage perp hacking into a commerce store to get credit card numbers they will claim to be trying to shut down kiddie porn or net.NAZIs.

      If someone wanted to be satirical, an iPhone app that uses GPS to help men find the clitoris. It does rather say something about our civilization that men found the Americas, both poles and begun building the rockets for the moon landings before they found the clitoris.

    2. And note the well worn ‘only a parody’ excuse. Whenever we catch some teenage perp hacking into a commerce store to get credit card numbers they will claim to be trying to shut down kiddie porn or net.NAZIs.

      If someone wanted to be satirical, an iPhone app that uses GPS to help men find the clitoris. It does rather say something about our civilization that men found the Americas, both poles and begun building the rockets for the moon landings before they found the clitoris.

  2. If sex sells so well why don’t we have any AAA pornographic games? Why is it that these people can do all sorts of gross sexual objectification but we don’t get a single title designed to be played with one hand?

    1. They won’t sell them in Wal-Marts and Targets. However, if you do an Internet search for PC only …

    2. Umm, same reason that there are very few $1 million porn movies: The increased costs do not result in increased returns.

      When I wrote videogames in the early 80s I could finish a title in a week and make money on it. A large project was a two person design team working for a whole year. Today video game budgets are the same as action movies, $50 million and up. A hardcore title that came close to modern production values would cost $10 million. Probably more because the whole point of porn is the graphics quality. I doubt they would sell a million copies at $50 each.

      My main concern in the gaming industry is the network games are insanely obnoxious. They are racist, sexist and worse. And the game companies are leaving a huge amount of money on the table as women turn off and stop playing.

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