Skepchick Quickies 9.12
- Toys ‘R’ Us to stop gender biased marketing – “The toy store has bowed to pressure from campaign group Let Toys Be Toys to stop promoting toys as gender specific over concerns about the impact this has on children when they are growing up and developing their personalities.” From Will.
- To my daughter’s high school programming teacher – What an awful class environment, but what an awesome mom.
- Sexy Secular Conference – Heina will be speaking at it, and it’s got some great secular groups behind it. So help them out with their fundraising if you can.
- I’m not a misandrist, but… – Made this evil feminist smile.
“If a woman’s legs/shoulders are enough to distract a man, how can we trust them to stay focused on things like open heart surgery…?” Explains surgical scrubs. They’re not for cleanliness’ sake.
I must not be the only het male who can be distracted by a woman’s face. Hence the whole veil thing.
It’s *only* the UK Toys R Us that will stop gender biased marketing (and having “girls” and “boys” sections in stores.) The US Toys R Us have not agreed to.