
Skepchick Quickies 5.31


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Greta Christina’s piece about Ron Lindsay is excellent. I suppose Lindsay is getting many a pat on the back and hearty handshake from his misogynist buddies now.

    1. According to PZ, CFI is going to have their first board meeting since this episode in a few weeks. I think they need to hear our voices loud and clear before they make any decisions.

  2. That video of Patrick Stewart was powerful. I think that man could deliver that message to a lot of people who need to hear it. I hope he keeps it up!

  3. When you look at biology — when you look at the natural world — the roles of a male and a female in society and in other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complementary role.

    Hello, sir. Sexual conflict theory called and would like a word with you.

    Loved Greta’s posts and the Patrick Stewart video.

    1. Will

      Assuming he’s not a creationist, I’d love to see him try to argue with that. Actually if he is a creationist, I’d love to see how he’d tell us that proves evolution is an evil lie.

      1. Please do not encourage Erick Erickson to say things of any kind. He is like fingernails meeting blackboards.

          1. That would kinda be like pouring water into the ocean to make it wet.

  4. Amanda

    I saw that “Fox News” clip, If Erickson had been a contributor to any other news network it would have been shocking. Unfortunately we can expect that type of stupidity from “Fox News” and some people still take it seriously as credible source for “News”

    1. It’s telling that they never even bothet to make an argument for WHY women being the primary breadwinner is such a horrible thing.

    2. I would be the first to agree that single parents, men or women, need society’s support – financially, with services, and so on.
      This however is commie pinko thinking and a slippery slope. We can’t have that.

  5. Baby booms in zoos are completely intentional, it’s good for revenues…older animals that don’t pull in the visitors or who take up too much space are auctioned off. For those animals “lucky” enough to stay in zoos, they endure what amounts to psychological torture. Zoos are prisons.

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