Skepchick Quickies 2.1
- Opportunity and access in the freethought movement – A very thorough overview of, “treatment of women in the secular community by some, the results of this treatment, examples of fallacies used to argue against feminist principles, and suggestions for a way forward.”
- Is Twitter a better predictor of the flu than Google or the CDC? Research says yes – Including a cool/scary video of the flu spreading through NYC.
- Should I participate in a male-only debate? – Dan Barker of the Freedom From Religion Foundation on why he turned down the offer to speak in front of a men’s only group.
- Take back the net: It’s time to end the culture of online misogyny – Trigger warning for harassment.
- Cute Animal Friday! Tiny baby dik dik, from Donna. A baby tapir whose life was saved by CPR, from Mary. And from Daniela, a motivated sloth.
Barker showed some true integrity and class in handling the situation–he was inoffensive in his presentation, but quite clear in his views and the defense of his values. Agreeing to pay the non-refundable airfare was the right thing to do in those circumstances, and he did it without any apparent hostility or resentment. Kudos!
“Opportunity and Access in the Freethought Movement”
Brilliant. A great manifesto. “Be on the right side of history” – yes, this!
Love it!
While I liked individual sections of this piece, it seems disjointed and in need of significant revision, editing, and context. It seems to be something the people at Secular Woman put together by cutting and pasting more complete articles together.
The picture describing fairness, for example, is a very useful image, but its message is taken as obvious, while it could have benefited by an explanatory paragraph. How does it relate to feminism? Do women need no metaphorical boxes? Two? One? Does it vary?
It would probably make a good basis for a powerpoint.
Another reason to object to endorsement of “men/women only” events, especially when they are religiously affiliated, is that they likely exclude people whose gender identity conflicts with their appearance and people who do not fit within the binary scheme.
That “Take Back the Net” article was well-written.