ICYMI: September 30 – October 6 on the Skepchick Network
Hello! You’re back, I see. Ready to catch up on what you missed last week on the Skepchick Network. I don’t blame you.
The Origin of Vertebrates Part 4: Domination
Our prehistoric ancestors make the transition from water to land.
Pssh, Women Aren’t People!
Elly is appalled at how anti-choice the GOP has become.
Why We Need Nature
Eddy argues that you should be concerned about the loss of species on the planet.
Creative Dissonance Episode 4: Trampolarchery
Ryan does something very silly and very dangerous.
Medical Advice
A new short from Death by Puppets.
My Eyes, Brain and Common Sense Cry for Thee, Picasso
Brian G has some advice on how to take care of art.
Time To Edit (en español)
Wikipedia is a great tool for skeptics. Start editing!
Thanks for mehanviolado.com (en español)
Comments on post on Escéptica trigger the creation of a rape-victim counseling website.
Science Communication, You’re Doing it Wrong (en español)
Famous science writer and TV host Eduard Punset doesn’t seem to know what quantum means.
AI: You Believe *What* Now?
Have people’s beliefs ever surprised you?
Featured image credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Midwest Region