Welcome to the twelfth installment in the series where I ask leaders in the secular community to speak out against threats, intimidation and issues surrounding sexism.
Today, I am very excited to share the words of Carlos Alfredo Diaz. Carlos is the President of Atheist Alliance International and he speaks out against hate and also explains why his organization has adopted an anti-harassment policy. Carlos mentioned to me that he is not a native English speaker and actually offered me the choice of six different languages! He was kind enough to provide his statement in both English and in Spanish so that we could cross-post to our sister site, Esceptica. Very cool!
His words in English and in Spanish after the jump.
From Carlos:
All atheists, freethinkers, humanists, rationalists and skeptics should be welcome in our community and able to participate without having to endure threats of violence and intimidation from within our own ranks. This is so simple a point that it should not need to be stated, but apparently it does.
In general, I find threats and violence inappropriate and incompatible with our worldview. In this case in particular, not only do I find the threats and vitriolic abuse directed against women who are outspoken – particularly those who wish to discuss issues of sexism within this community – disgusting and unacceptable, they are quite frankly unbecoming of any person that wishes to call themselves civil, much less “rational”.
Argument is a staple of our community. As a diverse group we are inevitably going to argue and disagree – and we should, it’s part of how we refine our views and improve our arguments – but as rational people we should argue the issues and not threaten or attack people on a personal basis.
Atheist Alliance International has adopted an anti-harassment policy for conventions it is involved with and will stand against hate directed at fellow atheists, freethinkers, humanists, rationalists and skeptics, no matter where that hate comes from.
Hate has no place in our midst and we should strive to protect those among us who dare to speak out, even if they are shedding light on our community’s shortcomings.
In Spanish:
Todos los Ateos, Librepensadores, Humanistas, Racionalistas y Escépticos deberían sentirse bienvenidos en nuestra comunidad, pudiendo participar sin ser intimidados por las amenazas de sus pares. Esta afirmación me parece tan evidente que no debería tener que explayarme sobre ella, pero claramente tengo que hacerlo.
Las amenazas y la violencia generalmente me parecen inapropiadas e incompatibles con nuestra visión del mundo. En este caso en particular, no solo me parecen los actos abusivos y amenazas dirigidas hacia aquellas mujeres que han alzado la voz (en particular para discutir el sexismo dentro de nuestra comunidad) desagradables e inaceptables para nosotros, francamente no me parecen propios de cualquier persona que pretenda llamarse civilizada, mucho menos racional.
Discutir y debatir son pilares fundamentales de nuestra comunidad. Siendo el grupo variado que somos, inevitablemente discutiremos y estaremos en desacuerdo (y deberíamos, es una parte vital de como refinamos nuestras ideas y mejoramos nuestros argumentos) pero como personas racionales deberíamos discutir con los argumentos y no hacer uso de amenazas, argumentos ad hominem o ataques personales.
La Alianza Atea Internacional (AAI) ha adoptado una política en contra del acoso para las convenciones en las que participa y luchará contra el odio dirigido hacia los Ateos, Librepensadores, Humanistas, Racionalistas y Escépticos, sin importar de donde venga este odio.
El odio no tiene lugar entre nosotros y deberíamos proteger siempre a aquellos que alzan la voz, aunque lo hagan para llamar la atención sobre nuestros defectos.
Thank you for taking the time to speak out in two languages, Carlos! And thank you for implementing an anti-harassment policy to help keep events safe and friendly.
Prior posts in this series can be found here:
Speaking out against hate directed at women: David Silverman
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Dale McGowan
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Ronald A Lindsay
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Nick Lee
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Barry Karr
Speaking out against hate directed at women: David Niose
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Matt Dillahunty
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Jim Underdown
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Michael Payton
Speaking out against hate directed at women: Michael Nugent
Speaking Out Against Hate Directed at Women: Dan Barker
More to come.
Too bad English isn’t his native language, then he might have been able to be really eloquent! ;)
Seriously, English IS my first (and pretty much only) language, and I usually can’t even come close to being that clear and concise!
Dammit! I can’t even snark with correct grammar today!
I did a little doubletake when I saw that this is the twelfth! installment in this series. This is so fantastic, Amy.
Perfectly said. And yet another excellent installment.
I don’t mean to ignore Carlos’ installment. All of these have been good to varying degrees but this is one of the better, succinct and to the point.
I’m glad this is short and to the point. Some of these installments have made me feel quite uncomfortable. This is just… it just makes me want to say: yes. yes. yes.
How is this even argued against??
Especially this ” they are quite frankly unbecoming of any person that wishes to call themselves civil, much less “rational”…”
Actually, ihatemusic, that sentence (” they are quite frankly unbecoming of any person that wishes to call themselves civil, much less “rational””) was the first sentence that came to my mind when I wrote it.
Our view on this topic should be so clear that I am baffled by the fact that I even had to address it, dogmatic, hateful and discriminatory attitudes are clearly below the level of expectations that I hold fellow atheists to and below the level of expectations that I have for any civilized person.
Great quotes here!