
Make Art with Us at CONvergence!

Originally posted on Mad Art Lab. Written By Anne S.

We’re a mere three weeks away from SkepchickCon, our annual track of science and skepticism panels at the Minneapolis sci-fi and fantasy convention CONvergence! This year, Skepchick is teaming up with a bunch of Freethought Bloggers for extra awesomeness. Plus, our good friend Marian Call will be performing live! There’s more general information over on the main site, but I’m here to tell you about the role that your beloved Mad Art Labbers will be playing!

We’re hosting the following panels in the SkepchickCon room “Bloomington:”

Mad Art Lab
Maria Walters, Amy Davis Roth, Ashley Hamer, Emily Finke, Melissa Kaercher, Anne Sauer
5:00 PM Thursday
A comparison to the creative process in art and the scientific method in science, with hands-on art-making! I hear puppets will be involved…

I Am Geek, Therefore I Draw
Amy Davis Roth, Emily Finke, Ashley Hamer, Damian Sheridan, Ryan Consell
11:00 AM Friday
A panel of artists who create art inspired by geek culture on why it inspires them and why they feel it is as important as traditional art.

The Physics of Super-Fashion
Emily Finke, Roy Cook, Melissa Kaercher, Ryan Consell
11:00 AM Saturday
If you enjoy Ryan’s posts about speed-resistant costumes and supercapes, you’ll love this panel where scientists and experts critique superhero costumes to determine whether they’d be a help or hindrance.

We’ll also have a strong presence at the nightly SkepchickCon parties (room number 227), where Emily and I will be mixing up some delicious beverages that will educate AND intoxicate you. Here’s a little preview (by the way, you’ll also be able to catch me at the Physiology of Drugs&Alcohol panel on Friday at 8:30 PM):

We look forward to meeting a bunch of you and spending the weekend making new friends and awesome art. See you there!

Featured image: photo by Johnny Skaare, photoshopping by Steve D

EDIT BY AMY: This just in! We have an official hashtag for all the fun and educational happenings in the Skepchick/Freethought Blogs tracks it is: #cvgsci Rumor has it we will be projecting the hashtag tweet in the party rooms too so you can join in the fun from home!

Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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