Skepchick Quickies, 5.9
- “Sharf was apparently motivated by the concern that the as-yet-undiscovered creature could face extermination in the state.” On the legalities of shooting Bigfoot in Texas. (From Brad.)
- Count roadkill from your bike for science. (From cerberus40.)
- “Are we governed by unconscious processes? Neuroscience believes so – but isn’t the human condition more complicated than that?” Debating the brain.
- California may ban gay teen ‘conversion’ therapy.
Regarding the roadkill article–the following text may help: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/flattened-fauna-revised-roger-m-knutson/1105921563?ean=9781580087551
If I read that correctly, in Texas, it must be legal to shoot God. So . . . ?
An odd thought I had last night:
Jesus is homeopathic people.
According to the dogma, he his half human, half god. But the god part is infinite, so he’s a tiny bit of human dissolved in an infinite amount of God.
This is why he’s regarded as a cure for humanity. ;-)
Wasn’t there a study involving leaches and biodiversity recently? Why don’t bigfoot proponents do that in the big foot sightings regions?
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