
In Case You Missed It: March 18-March 24 on the Skepchick Network

Are you bitter about missing Reason Rally? Are you a smugggy-smug because you actually attended Reason Rally? Cure what ails you by catching up on what happened last week on the Skepchick Network!

Teen Skepchick

Guest Post: Your Mental Illness Doesn't Have to Define You
A guest post from Alex on how being skeptical and science literate made him unafraid of his depression.

Guest Post: My Body is a Cage – Girls, Science Fiction, and John Carter
A guest post from Alyssa on how girls are stigmatized for liking science fiction.

Guest Post: Big Bra-ther
Kate writes a guest post on why misinformation surrounding bras and breast cancer is so dangerous.

Mad Art Lab

Amuse-Bouche: Tapioca Maltodextrin + Olive Oil Powder
Anne S explains what the heck tapioca maltodextrin is and how to use it.

Music, Puppets, and Avocados with Marian Call
Maria makes everyone jealous in reviewing a Marian Call show.

Scott Sigler's Nocturnal
A review of Scott Sigler's new novel.


Forced To Be a Container (en español)
Abortion is banned in all cases in Chile. A female senator says it's because women are containers lending their bodies to another life.

Not The End Of The World (en español)
A big earthquake hit Mexico and tons of woo followed.

How Not To Write a Feminist Article (en español)
Writing about the women in government in Iceland and describing their private lives and what they are wearing before their professional achievements is not the way the way to go.


AI: Trans Issues 101
What is an effective way to educate people on trans issues?

Prejudice Sends Some to Alternative Medicine
When anti-trans prejudice manifests itself in the medical community, there is a real cost.

AI: Gay Games
Tell us about some queer-friendly video games.

Featured image credit: Sew Ripped


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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