
In Case You Missed It: October 9-October 15 on the Skepchick Network

It’s Monday! You know what that means. Check out last week’s highlights from across the Skepchick Network!

Mad Art Lab

Cooking with Carl: Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Footage!
Take a peek behind behind the scenes at the most amazing puppet show in skepticism!

New Feature: Is This What You Were Looking For?
Mad Art Labbers make art based on your search terms.

RepRap: An Introduction
What is this RepRap thing anyway? Steve D explains.

Teen Skepchick

A Defense of the 99%
Nenfea responds to criticisms of Occupy Wall Street.

Modern Mythology: Curing the Cold and Flu
As cold and flu season starts, Ali Marie finds out what cures a cold or flue, and what doesn’t.

Why Activists Need Skepticism
Vreify makes the case that skepticism and evidence are necessary tools in an activist’s toolkit.

Skepchick SE

Hägglund and the Religious Political Economy (på svenska)
Technicolor discusses the assertion that Christianity is the basis for a successful economy.


Climbing the Family Tree (en español)
Andrés writes a great (Argentinean) Mother’s Day post about Mitochondrial Eve.

Form and Function (en español)
All about folding proteins and having fun for science.

Numerology to the Rescue (en español)
33 Chilean miners where rescued a year ago. It was the 33rd week of the year and it took 33 days for the excavator to reach them. Coincidence? Well, yes.

Featured image credit: Robert Couse-Baker


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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One Comment

  1. In the translated article about the Chilean miners, this phrase comes up:
    “Now if that, as a charlatan known Chilean television, everything fits, chicken.”

    “Everything fits, chicken.” is so my new catch phrase.

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