
AI: Parks & Recreation

I wish it were spring. At the very least, I wish it would stop freaking snowing all the god damn time. The snow and ice are seriously affecting my ability to run outside, and I hate running on a treadmill.

I want to go on a picnic. In a park. By a river. Under a flowering tree. I want to take my daughter for walks. And show her how to play on a playground. I want to go swimming. In a pool. Or a lake. And the ocean. Especially the ocean. I want to walk on the beach. I’ve been dreaming about the feel of sand under my bare feet.

I want to go bar hopping. Without having to bundle up between bars. I want to stargaze. And make up the names for constellations I don’t recognize. I want to take Spencer to the zoo.

Most of all I want to stop freezing my ass off.

These are the things I’ve been daydreaming about lately. How about you?


Chelsea is the proud mama of an amazing toddler-aged girl. She works in the retail industry while vehemently disliking mankind and, every once in a while, her bottled-up emotions explode into WordPress as a lengthy, ranty, almost violent blog. These will be your favorite Chelsea moments. Follow Chelsea on Twitter: chelseaepp.

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  1. What Jen said absent the toddler bits. I noticed some Lilly of the Valley sprouts coming up under a dogwood in our courtyard this morning. Soon!! (But not soon enough!)

  2. Pretty much the same here. I want to be able to open the windows again. To take the Barks Brothers to the dog park without it being such a wet mess.
    We love spring and fall in WV, because it’s not so damned hot all the time. Summer here is Hell plus humidity that curls the pages of paperback books in an hour. Winter here is for the most part like a Wisconsin fall.

  3. So.. now would be a bad time to relate how I walked through a park, by a river to a bar yesterday in a tee shirt?

    You should move to NZ :)

  4. I wouldn’t mind the current snow storm every four days if the damn stuff would thaw between storms. It keeps piling up. The bottom layer must be three weeks old. I want to see green, not white. I want to be able to plan to go places without worrying that I won’t be able to get out of my driveway.
    I can hardly believe that in just two months I’ll be putting my boat back in the lake.

  5. I decided many years ago that if it snowed and I got pissed off about it, it was a sign that I had become an old fart. The cold (in Boston) I can still tolerate, though it takes longer to get used to it each year. (We had one extremely wet day in early December that was 40, but bone chilling. I thought it was the end, but a few weeks later it was in the teens and I was fine with it. So false alarm.) Today was quite nice, we had our little 10:23 protest (I washed my 30-35 Calm Forte pills down with hot coffee), but we started to get chilly and went to our followup skeptics brunch early. By the time we left (4 hours and non-homeopathic doses of mimosa, beer, wine, etc.) it was quite nice out, sunny, low 40’s, the huge mounds of filthy snow melting rapidly, I think I can hold out to spring.

    A couple of days ago, while out for a walk in the park (Bean boots, polypro and down jacket) I met a women, probably in her mid-seventies, walking her dog, who said “It’s been really beautiful this winter.” I looked around at the trees and the snow (far enough from the roads to still be clean) and frozen reservoir and had to agree. Someday I’ll be old and it will be too much for me, but not yet.

  6. I’m a liberal atheist skeptic and I am sick enough of the snow that I am moving to South Carolina.

    I have been daydreaming about not packing, not having to move, not being cold, and most importantly, BASEBALL.

    The season can’t start soon enough.

  7. After slipping and falling just leaving my house to get to the grocery store (damned Boston weather), I’m kinda looking forward to wearing more than one sort of shoe to go outside.

    Though I’m scared stupid to imagine all this freakin’ snow melting – and I live next to a beach, so I’ve got worries about flooding.

    I’m also looking forward to March. I’ll be finishing up classes and have one less time suck… and then get ready for a move to MN.

  8. Moving to Australia and helping the skeptics down under. Though it would take me awhile to get used to warm Christmases and cold Julys.

  9. I look forward to when it stops raining on the eastern seaboard of Australia, and I want the heat wave in the West to be over.
    I want the people who lit the fires that destroyed homes and livestock caught and asked ” WTF !!! “.
    I’m looking forward to this afternoon, when I’ll walk the dogs and grab a glimpse of the lake.
    I’ll sit on the bench and open my thermos and have a cup of coffee and throw a stick for the dogs to fight over and bring back to me.
    Mostly I’m looking forward to getting old and wearing purple again.

  10. I’m dreaming of riding my bike without spending five minutes suiting up.
    I want to smell the garden grow.
    I want to taste the first snow pea.
    I want to sit outside with a beer and watch the sunset.

  11. I’m dreaming of not being in limbo about my grad school applications, of finally being able to take that trip to Germany with my sister (a la HHGG), and of finally having a job so that I can afford non-thrift store clothing for the spring I’ve been told will be coming around soon.
    All of these dreams are by far surpassed by my dream of locating the elusive, probably non-existent dietary Holy Grail of the gluten-, dairy-, and soy-free version of an everything bagel with cream cheese.

  12. I’m also in L.A. No snow for us, but I have been daydreaming about quitting my stupid job and opening a bakery….

  13. Chelsea, next year, you have to break up your winter with some SurlyCon! Fun in the sun of CA, and lots (real lots) of bar hopping without coats.

  14. I dream about planting my garden and (this may sound weird) powerwashing my house. Nothing like fresh white snow to make me realize how not-so-white my vinyl siding is these days :P

    Seriously though, I won’t get sick of winter for another month. I still have plenty of skiing to catch up on, and I haven’t been snowshoeing at all yet this winter.

  15. Spring, certainly. Like you, I hate the dreadmill and running in the cold and snow can get tedious, but frankly, I’ll do 18miles in 10 degrees rather than 5 on a treadmill, or 18 for that matter, which I would end up doing if I didn’t go out in the 10 degree weather.

  16. I want to be on a sunny beach somewhere where it’s so warm I can’t do anything but lay in a hammock and drink rum out of a pineapple. I can’t take any more cold dreary days.

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