Skepchick Holiday Gift Guide
It can be difficult for skeptics and atheists during this time of year. It’s easy to get turned off by the Christian interpretation of the solstice. But most anyone who knows me will tell you that I love the holidays. I love how the world turns red and green and cheesy. I love Christmas carols, I love how Charles Dickens becomes the man of the season and as much frustration as it brings, I really love trying to find the perfect gifts for the people I love.
This week, I polled my fellow Skepchicks for some of their gift ideas for this year. We came up with a bunch of great ideas so check some out behind the fold!
First, some old friends and Skepchick favorites:
Feel great with these Placebo Bands! Guaranteed to … well, make you feel as good as you believe.
Lots of cool toys and gear from Spectrum Scientifics.
Of course, don’t forget Surly Amy’s fantastic Surly shop. If you buy something in the month of December, use the code: SKEPCHICKMAS to get 10% off your entire order!
Do you want to do some good this holiday season and get a gorgeous exclusive Surly ornament? Consider making an ongoing monthly pledge of $25 or more to the James Randi Educational Foundation, or make a one-time donation of $100 or more during the 2010 Season of Reason: A Bright Future campaign and you will receive a limited-number Surly-Ramics holiday ornament, especially hand-made for the 2010 Season of Reason.
And so much more:
For the skeptic who has everything, check out this magical bending spoon that bends when put into hot liquid. I’m totally getting one of these for Randi :)
For the hungry scientist – check out these fantastic Science cookie cutters from ThinkGeek.
Amanda suggested this gorgeous, sparkly makeup from Sweet Libertine. With cool color names, like Endor and my personal favorite, Bollywood!
I think Amanda wants to get this for me this year. It’s a vampire mug cozy.
Both Bug and Amanda love everything from Weird Bug Lady and they’re not wrong. I’m not even that big of a bug person but this scarab is awesome.
And to keep on with the creepy Etsy stuff, check out this mold and lichen crochet work. Gorgeous and strange :)
Chelsea found this badass nerd soap at Luxury Lane Soap. SOAP INVADERS FTW. You Who fans will also love the Tardis :)
And Rebecca found these fantastic Posters for Girls for the kickass girl in your life.
And also, check out the ThinkGeek Heroine T-shirt series, including Marie Curie and Ada Lovelace. Rad!
Happy Holidays y’all! Be happy and safe from all the Skepchicks.
Labware cookie cutters ordered!
For those of you who like rocks, here’s “What to Buy a Geologist for Christmas”:
I’m getting my nine-year-old daughter a Big Bucket of Science from Steve Spangler Science.
She wanted a chemistry set but a good one was too steep, maybe next year.
Great list – grateful for the mention! I’ve been so swamped with custom orders the past few weeks I’ve had hardly any time to add inventory to my shop, but you never know if I might have the creepy crawly you’re looking for (I also could take *simple* custom orders for the next week or two)
And I’m telling everyone in my family that I want something from Surly Amy!
@weirdbuglady: Thank you! And you know I’d be happy to make you a custom bug Surly! xoxo :)
I really want those labware cookie cutters. Except I’m not really sure a condom shaped cookie cutter goes with the overall theme of labware. . . ^_^
Great ideas! Here are some books and gifts suggestions at Science Based Parenting.
Also check out the Monty Harper’s new album, Songs from the Science Frontier, which can be downloaded here.
@weirdbuglady: Your Banana slug reminded me of Sluggy the lovable gastropod.
And before Bill Nye became an internationally famous science guy he was in a Christmas special about Sluggy!! (Yes our humor is strange in the northwest)
Awesome gift ideas. Thanks Gals, and thanks Masala for putting them all together.
The space invaders are from a silicon ice mold that can also be used for other foods like hard candy, chocolate, and presumably you can bake itty bitty cakes in there too (been meaning to try that). I’ve made gummies with them. Google “ice invaders” to find various stores…I got mine at ThinkGeek and then some dino fossils and robots at Perpetual Kid.
It’s a whole great line of nerdery for kids, adults, foodies, etc.