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w00ting cough: JLo saves the world!

Jennifer Lopez is joining the fight against Jenny McCarthy and the like, encouraging adults to get their whooping cough vaccines, and explaining perfectly what herd immunity is and why it’s important for everyone to get vaccinated.

The good news is that if you are an adult needing your TDaP vaccine and you’ll be at DragonCon this year, Skepchick has joined forces with the Women Thinking Free Foundation to host a vaccine clinic as a part of the WTFF’s Hug Me I’m Vaccinated campaign launch. The vaccines are completely free. All you have to do is walk over to the Mall at Peachtree Center, which is adjacent to the con, and follow the signs pointing to the Hug Me Vaccine Clinic.

And, as an added bonus, each free vaccine comes with a free hug!

If that’s not enough, then watch this video:

You can do your part to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone you know. Get vaccinated. No one should have to die like this.


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. I just literally felt my heart break watching that video. How anyone can be ok with putting anyone at risk of that, especially a little baby, is beyond me. I’m going to go cry now.

  2. @Chelsea:

    I’m done crying. I’m irate.
    Bitches gonna vaccinate or deal with my hate.

    (I’m ghetto… and pissed… and this is why we gotta save the fucking world)

  3. Free hugs?

    No thank you I don’t want to catch what you have.

    I’ll take the vaccine though.

  4. ZOMG! A celebrity NOT giving crap medical advice? What is the world coming to? C’mon J-Lo, won’t you sell me some sort of detox tea or recommend that I use snake venom to make my eyes sparklier–this kind of rational, heartfelt plea confuses me.

    Seriously though–immediately posted on facebook! I don’t have kids but I’m seeking out the vaccine now.

  5. @ptah:

    I think you’re missing the point.

    Hug Me is about giving out hugs because they’re safe… thanks to the huggers being vaccinated.

  6. Just for that … I’m BUYING Gigli!

    Woo hoo!

    It’s sad that HER message outweighs my message as a physician, but at least it’s the right message.

    Woo – hoo!

  7. I cannot believe that I can start liking J-Lo again. Despite her saying in her ‘ Jenny from the block’ video – “I stayed grounded as the amounts roll in” – whilst wearing nothing but a fur coat, on a massive pedestal in the middle of Times Square.

    Completely don’t care about that now. I’m buying Jersey Girl and her new fragrance.

  8. I can’t be at Dragon*Con, but I’m getting my pertussis booster tomorrow. Can I have a free Virtual Hug? :)

  9. Not that this isn’t a good this, but isn’t this old news?
    I mean like, last spring old?
    Is the campaign getting an extra push or is there a new ad or something or are you guys using it to tie into the Dragon*Con vaccines?
    In any case, more power to all involved.
    I just had the strongest case of deja vu.

    I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m just curious.

  10. @mrmisconception:

    Yes, this is indeed from last year. I just saw it for the first time… as did many other skeptics.

    New or old, it’s still relevant and accurate (except for the number of people who have died).

    And still… GO JLO!

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