
WTF Chicago! We have things for you!

Women Thinking Free Events!

Remember Boobquake? Last month? That Iranian guy said something about boobs and earthquakes and we all wore low cut tops and/or short skirts and nothing really happened?

Well, it turns out that Jen McCreight, the inventor of Boobquake actually has a lot of really cool things going on in her life besides being an international news sensation. Yesterday she graduated from Purdue Universityand received her Bachelor of Science with the Honors curriculum in Biology. And soon she’ll be a published author. And this fall she’s headed off to get her PhD in genetics at the University of Washington. And she was on the Colbert Report, people! The Colbert Report!

But most importantly, and the biggest news really, is that this weekend Jen will be giving a talk for the Women Thinking Free Foundation! Not just a talk, though, this is our kickoff event! Our very first ever event! And Jen has agreed to let us leech off her fame for a night to promote our new organization. Because she rocks like that.

She’s young. She’s fun. She’s brilliant, to say the least. She’s skeptical. And she’s ours for one night only!

This weekend, I highly suggest you come out and see Jen’s talk and hang out for some beers and stuff. And seriously, no excuses. Not only will the Sun Time be there, but I’ll be giving birth three days after this event, and I will be there. You can’t tell me that your able-body can’t come out when my 9 1/2-months-pregnant body can. Suck it up. It’s for a good cause. And there’s beer.

Tickets are $10 and available through our online shop at or you can purchase them at the door, cash or credit. You can RSVP on Facebook, too!

We’ve also got some other cool things planned… like June 12, we’re going to do a little behind-the-scenes tour of the FermiLab! The tour will be followed by delicious lunch at a location to be disclosed… soonish. Tickets will be $30, must be purchased in advance, and are limited to only 40 people!

And yeah, it’s real because it’s on Facebook, too.

Questions? Email me at elyse(at)womenthinkingfree(dot)org.

WTF: Rocking the skeptical awesome all over Chicago!


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. Woo hoo! She is coming to our neck of the woods.

    Hope to see her at the Seattle Skeptics Meetup next fall!

  2. @davehodg:

    Yes. Everyone points that out. However, there’s a 6.5 every three days somewhere on Earth.

    If there were like seven earthquakes that were 6+ that day, that might be significant. But one biggish one? Not so much.

  3. Don’t forget to ask Leon Lederman what he thinks about the Chicago school system and Arne Duncan. The skeptical community needs to get involved in debunking conservative education reform. If you don’t believe there are huge changes made based on woo, ask Dr. Lederman.

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