Afternoon Inquisition
AI: Podcasts
Bad Psychics has a new podcast called “The Badcast”, but is also known as the Bad Psychics Podcast.
Episode Three just came out,and it includes snippets about Andrew Wakefield, MMR Jabs & Autism, Ghost Hunting,
Spirit Channeling, and a treatise about Skepticism.
I also have a segment where I talk about my recent visit to the Denver Metaphysical Fair.
Yes…it’s another bloody podcast! But there’s always room for a good one, isn’t there?
What podcasts do you listen to?
Do you have your own podcast? Here’s your chance to plug it!
If you started your own podcast, what would it be about?
I listen to TWSS podcast (The office), SGU (I’m betting everyone else here does too), Comedy Death Ray, and I still like to listen to the old Penn Jillette Radio show. If I started a podcast of my own, I would likely do movie reviews, ever since the switch up on “At the movies” I feel a movie review hole in my heart
3 different “song of the day”
Dogma Free America
For Good Reason
Geologic Podcast
The Math Factor
Math for Primate
Math Mutation
Mostly Trivial
NOVA Science Now
Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Point of Inquiry
Skepchick / Curiosity Aroused
I know all of you listen to The Amateur Scientist. It’s probably so obvious that no one thinks to mention it.
To be honest, I don’t really listen to podcasts, other than the occasional episode that is especially recommended from the blogs that I read. They just take too much time to listen too – reading the same amount of information takes a lot less time.
I listen to…
The Amateur Scientist
Are We Alone?
Astronomy Cast
Curiosity Aroused
Little Atoms
Monster Talk
The Naked Scientists
Point of Inquiry
The Skeptic Zone
The Skeptic’s Guide 5×5
The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe
I don’t have a podcast. Can’t imagine what I’d say if I did have one.
Oh Boy…Where do I start?!
Skepchick/Curiosity Aroused
The Good Atheist
Chariots of Iron / Atheist News
Dogma Free America
Reasonable Doubts
Skeptic Zone
American Freethought
Secular Nation
Skeptics with a K
Righteous Indignation
The Pod Delusion
Non-Prophets / Atheist Experience
Infidel Guy
For Good Reason
Point of Inquiry
Token Skeptic
Skeptically Speaking
Actually Speaking
Skeptic’s Testament
The Reality Check
Rationally Speaking
Digital Bits Skeptic
Rational Alchemy
Brain Science Podcast
This Book in Science
Books & Ideas
Freethought Rhode Island
Conversations from the Pale Blue Dot
Cosmic Tea Party
Humanist Network News
Hunting Humbug 101
Podcast Beyond Belief
Reality Cast
This Week in Science
(Yes…I do have a life, I swear!)
I listen to very few podcasts, I usually just don’t find the time to fit them in. But on my list are:
SGU 5×5
Curiosity Aroused
Savage Love
Dear Bitches, Smart Authors
I listen to the same as Aletheia ( we are married) plus I listen to cosmic tea party,monstercast, skeptech,weird things
I listen to SGU and Point of Inquiry for skepticism, but I also listen to and highly recommend The Bugle, which is a satirical news program.
I don’t have a podcast, but I just started a blog that I may or may not stick with in which I try to apply skepticism to political claims. Not like, “this policy is better than that policy” but claims like “is Obama a U.S. citizen?” that are actually empirical questions. It’s at A lot of the posts so far, I have to admit, are just reposts of the best links I find from Skepchick Quickies…
Don’t make me cry. I’m so behind on podcasts I think the last one I listened to was discussing Einstein’s crazy new theory of general relativity.
If I started a podcast, I would like to discuss medical/skeptical topics of interest to people with chronic illnesses, and I would interview a different person each week to discuss the topic. Not experts, but other chronically ill people who are rational thinkers.
I listen to the Adam Carolla podcast, Comedy Death-Ray, For Good Reason, I Love Movies, The Nerdist, the Ricky Gervais podcast, SGU and SGU 5×5, SModcast, and WTF with Marc Maron.
I don’t have a podcast myself but I do guest appearances on Sidetracked from time to time:
If I started a podcast it would probably be about skepticism and comic books. An odd combo, but they’re my two biggest interests.
I listen to most of the skeptical podcasts out there, but two of my favourites are only tangentially skeptical.
Double Feature is a film podcast where two guys discuss two awesome movies each week. They are skeptical guys with a lot of insight, and Rebecca has been on twice (twice!!!) as a guest.
Read It And Weep is like MST3K… for books. They review terrible fiction (books, movies and TV) so you don’t have to. The first few episodes are all about Twilight, and they recently skewered The Secret. They are three of the funniest skeptics I have ever heard.
@w_nightshade: “Read It and Weep” is awesome. “Overthinking It” is sort of like that one too (…in a way), but they’re a bunch of amusing ivy leaguers discussing pop culture in general.
Oh man… To what do I listen?
Actually Speaking
Adult Space Child Free Podcast
American Freethought
Are We Alone?
Astronomy Cast
Atheist News
Atheist Talk
Center Stage
Chariots of Iron
Curiosity Aroused
Declaring Independence
For Good Reason
Freethought Radio
Geologic Podcast
Humanist Network News
Hunting Humbug 101
Little Atoms
Monster Talk
Mr. Deity
Point of Inquiry
President Obama’s Weekly Radio Address
Reasonable Doubts
Science Magazine
Scientific American
Sci Fi Dimensions (currently on hiatus)
Secular Nation
Shields and Brooks (from the PBS News Hour)
Skepchick (duh)
Skeptic Zone
Skeptically Speaking
Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe
Sound of Tomorrow
Sundays Supplement
They Might Be Giants
This Week in Science
…Actually, no, I do not have a life.
Not only do I have a podcast – Radio Freethinker (Vancouver’s #1 Skeptical Podcast!) – but I listen to a bunch. Too many to name so I’ll just list the most listened too:
The Conspiracy Skeptic
Curiosity Aroused
Point of Inquiry
The Reality Check
The Skeptic Zone
Skeptically Speaking
And then there’s a couple science and history podcasts but that would make the list a bit too long and lets face it, with all the podcasts I listen to, I don’t have much time for anything else. :)
None actually. I prefer reading.
Only when I’m being told in a blog like this about something particularly interesting will I go to the bother of listening through a podcast.
Thanks for running this question. Learned a bunch of new sites to check.
My favorites include, of course,
Reasonable Doubts
Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe
Special props to Irreligiosophy for humor, knowledge and preparation. I get real tired of podcasts where people just ramble off the top of their heads with no preparation and think we will listen.
Irreligiosophy is probably not as popular as others because they have such a ridiculous name that nobody can find it – which is, of course, the whole idea. (I hear they are planning a new podcast about geological anthropology to be called “Irreligeolopology.”)
What podcasts do you listen to?
I’m a podcast producer so I don’t have much time to listen to podcasts I don’t actually work on.
The Bitterest Pill
Love Long and Prosper
Radio Free Burrito
And video podcasts:
Midwest Teen Sex Show
Mr. Deity
Do you have your own podcast? Here’s your chance to plug it!
I’m on Evo @ 11
I produce MADPhx and Gangplank and one other not-yet-named one.
If you started your own podcast, what would it be about?
I’ve found I’m much better behind the scenes and the occasional chance to talk up while someone else leads.
Most of these have already been listed, but I’ll just post my iTunes feed list anyway. There really aren’t enough hours in the day:
Actually Speaking
American History before 1870
Astronomy Cast
For Good Reason
Geologic Podcast
Hunting Humbug 101
Memories of the Futurecast
The Moth
The Nerdist
Point of Inquiry
The Pseudo Scientists
Radio Free Burrito
Rationally Speaking
Afternoon Tea with Richard Wiseman
The Ricky Gervais Podcast
Skepchick/Curiosity Aroused
The Skeptic Zone
SGU / 5×5
This American Life
The Tolkien Professor
The Watt from Pedro Show
I want to put out another nod to Skeptics with a K since it was only mentioned once. It’s both hilarious and filled with adorable accents.
A pod cast I like to promote is the BBC’s A History of the World in a Hundred Objects. The pod cast is the curator of the British Museum discussing one hundred objects and the history around the object.
Many of the ones listed above plus:
The Onion Radio News
Quirks & Quarks
The Dice Tower
All the above posts will be a great resource… someday. I listen to SGU and that’s about it; perhaps when I retire I’ll listen to more podcasts because right now I just don’t know where I’d find the time.
I’m glad all 22 of you who posted before me are loving Podcast Beyond Belief! All of you. Wow. That’s amazing! Every one of you… every single one.
(Don’t make me look like a liar, people!)
Podcasts I listen to (* recently found/ added)-
For Good Reason *
Point Of Inquiry
Hour of Slack
23 Apples of Eris
Atheist News
Chariots of Iron
Dwarf Talk
Monster Talk
Devil’s Mischief
The Belfry
Hate Speech Radio
And, of course, Curiosity Aroused ( along with the usually more raucus Skepchick podcast “MOAR!”) *
I don’t have a podcast yet, but have considered it (“Wrong Turn in the Reality Tunnel”). Would have to have variety (Music from new/ aspiring bands when possible, some news, landmark of the week, call-in discussion (‘if’ I gained enough listeners to support it), Fnord (homework- just something for the listeners to try each week), and a Devil’s Advocate segment (Where I would try to defend one irrational proposition each week). The perspective would be fairly skeptical, with the idea that by looking at a subject from a different perspective (or even defending something one doesn’t believe in), one might gain insight into it’s proponents. Style- mental carnival/ sideshow gone haywire.
In no particular order…
– APM: Marketplace Conversations the Corner Office
– APM: Marketplace Money
– Savage Love Podcast
– Stuff You Missed in History Class
– WNYC Radiolab
– NPR: Science Friday
– NPR: Planet Money Podcast
– NPR: It’s All Politics (Weekly news roundup)
– NPR: Intelligence Squared
– NPR: This American Life
– Skeptically Speaking
– Rationally Speaking
– Actually Speaking
– The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
– Little Atoms
– The Skeptic’s Guide 5×5
– Little Atoms
– Skepchick Podcast
– Skepticality
– Dogma Free America
– Point of Inquiry
– Reasonable Doubts Podcast
Keeps me busy, intellectual, and entertained! :D
While there are many i subscribe to, my personal favourites are (in no specific order) and why are:
AstronomyCast -umm because it’s sciency…yeah, that has to be the reason…umm.
Amateur Scientist – because the host Brian is like a skeptic Jesus…only funnier and wears better sweaters.
Sundays Supplement – because Iszi never fails to make me laugh when i am trying to get stuff done.
Geologic – always the perfect blend of sarcasm and science
Curiosity Aroused – because SurlyAmy will poke me in the eye if i didn’t put this one on my list.
David Mitchell’s Soapbox – it’s David effin’ Mitchell being a smartass for 4 minutes. nuff said
No, seriously. YOU people would love Mr. Deity. An irreverent, hilarious, and nicely done video podcast. Go! Now! Seriously. Dude.
Magicdude, if you are serious about doing a movie review podcast get in contact with me, as I was thinking of launching a podcast for my movies site
And would love to have you do it for me?
[email protected]
Also thanks to Karen for her piece on the BadPsychics Podcast, much appreciated
@Kimbo Jones: Dammit, I go away for a week and my accent gets called ‘adorable’ on Skepchick. I pick the worst time to take holidays…
I’d also like to throw a note in for the TED Talks podcasts – bit hit and miss at times (watching Jamie Oliver tell Americans that all of their children were going to die early because of diet was a bit embarrassing for us Britishers), but some of the most amazing and interesting speakers I’ve ever seen.
@Marsh: Aren’t you on more podcasts than most people listen to?
My favourites include SGU, Skeptics with a K, Righteous Indignation, Amateur Scientist and Skeptoid. I listen to loads more though.
I generally listen to:
-SGU (naturally)
-Curiosity ARoused
-NPR: Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me
-NPR: Car Talk
-Real Time with Bill Maher (yes, yes, I know, he hates science, but I enjoy comedic discussion of current events)
-1’s Retronauts & 4 Guys 1 Up
and occasionally I check in on various fanboyish podcasts (Lost, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc).
And…wait, what’s that? Plug my own podcast, you say? Well, don’t mind if I do! It’s called “Some Beers With Chris & Dan”, and it’s a weekly comedic chat between 2 nerds in a bar (or “pub” for those of you in the UK); subjects include quirky news items, movies, comic books, video games, and even the occasional skeptical topic. No iTunes feed yet, but it’s available for streaming or download at
First, my own:
The Mustache Rangers – Buck Rogers meets Curb Your Enthusiasm meets Samuel Beckett. I try to throw in science and skeptical bit whenever it fits. Done in the style of old timey radio.
Second, since all the skeptical podcasts have been listed, here are the other podcasts I listen to weekly:
Comedy Death-Ray Radio
Jordan, Jesse GO!
The Sound of Young America
You Look Nice Today
This American Life
@Elyse: Ouch!
Can you do a podcast that’s kinda like a seriel from days of yore? Every episode progresses the story a little bit? Maybe have volumes, each with a different story?
Everything I listen to has been covered already except:
_Carpool_ ( Is still a video podcast, but he now makes the audio available as a podcast. Who doesn’t need a little Jon Ronson to go?
_Answer Me This_( A show about pretty much everything. Still the most consistently funny podcast I have ever found.
_The Sporkful_( A show about eating from the Mark Garrison and Dan Pashman both formerly of the BPP. Interested in debates over the ethics of public popcorn eating or the proper way to construct a PB&J sandwich? This is for you.
@davew is right about Answer Me This. Ollie Mann and Helen Zaltzman and Martin the Sound Guy. Always funny — second on my list only to The Bugle, which someone else mentioned (starring Helen’s brother Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver from The Daily Show).
I don’t care at all about soccer in general or Arsenal in particular, but I do love “It’s Up For Grabs Now,” hosted by the insanely funny Alan Davies.
@phlebas: I too love Answer Me This. It never fails to have me in stitches. I was listening to the latest episode on Sunday whilst walking round the local supermarket – people were looking at me very oddly.
@Elyse: Oh hey, I did listen to your first one! It’s to late for my kids, they’re either lucky to have had me for a father or the damage is irreparably done.
@Andrew Nixon: Statistically-speaking, yes – I am on more podcasts than most people listen to. Although given that most people likely listen to zero, I think that’s an easy bar to clear.
Since you mention it, I’m co-host of the previously mentioned Righteous Indignation (in fact, I joined the show right as we were interviewing the good Skepchick herself) –
I also ramble on the shambles that is Skeptics with a K, which essentially is more aimed at making daft gags than sticking to rigorous, sensible analysis, and hopefully none the less entertaining for it –
And I have made a few guest appearances on the first few episodes of InKredulous – a new panel show aimed at being the QI of the skeptical podcasty world, that’s also:
Plug over!
@Marsh: Haha, very amusing shout-out on the show. Cheers. :)
PS. If you folks ever come to Canada, you should give Skeptic North a shout for a Skeptics in the Pub!
Hi all, I listen to alot of podcasts on my IPOD which include For Good Reason, Intelligence Square, Joy 94.9 (Reality Check), Little Atoms, Ockham’s Razor, Point of Inquiry, Rationally Speaking, Skeptics with a K, Skeptoid, SGU, The Skeptics Zone and Token Skeptic which doesnt leave me much time at the end of the week for much else but I love them all and I’m always learning new things. As for myself wanting to do a podcast I would probably do something in regard to helping others through Charity, Community or Humanistic informational podcasts. Thanks everyone for your nominated podcasts and I will endeavour to check them out, still got a couple of gigs spare left on the IPOD.