
Chicago – Reminder: Gettin’ Drinky widdit

Just a reminder to all you Chicago-capable peeps out there, this Saturday is back-to-back meet-ups (with a bunch of space between backs)

The Chicago Skeptics Meet-Up Group is gathering at 12:30PM at the Black Rock Pub and Kitchen on Damen to save the world from Wikipedia… or save Wikipedia from the world… and maybe have some sandwiches and beers or something.

(note: I will likely not be making an appearance at this event as I have an ethical objection to places that threaten to mount the head of my only child onto the wall.)

Later, at 7:30PM, Drinking Skepchickally with Wisconsin and Twitter’s very own Data_Jack! We’ll be thinkin’ it up at Galway Arms at 2442 N Clark. Beeeeeeee there, yo! All the cool kids will be!  More info over on Facebook. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or use the Questions and Comments link over on the left of your screen.

(Parking note: Parking is metered street parking or you can park up the street in the Children’s Memorial garage, 2515 N. Clark which charges a flat $12 when you park on Saturday night after 5PM.)

See you Saturday! Cheers!


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. We will be there with bells on, President Dr. Lady Elyse ESQ. , the badgirl billionaire.

  2. :) Was great meeting everyone!

    DUI test — “Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus”
    Comedy Debate Show — “CrossBalls”
    “The Secret Life of Machines”
    “The Day the Universe Changed”
    “Amateur Scientist Podcast”

  3. My girlfriend and I had a great time, can’t wait to do it again (outside of Chicago next time, maybe?).

    WI cheese based woo –

    SpiralArchitect – Remember “Y’s” are, half the time, sometimes less gay then “I’s”. For some reason this was very important at the time.


  4. No wait that was backwards! “Y’s” are, half the time, sometimes MORE gay then “I’s”.

  5. Meeting fellow skeptics and drinking, what a great time! Thank you Data_Jack and Elyse for putting everything together!


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