Last Call for Tang!
We will be picking and judging your Tang creations at TAM! Get your drinks in by end of day Tuesday to ensure we have your recipe! There’s no official deadline other than whenever we choose to do our secret judging ceremony, but the later you get your entries in, the lower your chances are to make the cut.
Enter them in the comments here.
Good luck (to you and us)!
I can no longer go to TAM! Passport Canada has slapped me in the groin and I am now drunk because I need a pain-reliever! My VenomTangX is still in the running I hope!
I hate Passport Canada!!!! I fully expect sympathy from all my skepchick friends! Waaaahhh!!!
@Some Canadian Skeptic:
That really is sad. Lo siento.
@Some Canadian Skeptic: What your in Canada? And they let you use the American internet? I am appallad. Can’t trust no dirty foreinger.
I u53 7he Ru551an-1n7ernet. 1t i5 ch33p3r, but it ha5 a f3w bug5 2 werk 00t.
If anyone wants to send me cookies and sympathy, you can send letter bombs to my place, located at the Passport Canada office. Label it “c/o UP YOURS, BUREAUCRACY!”